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Lake Farm Park


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Scouts/ Beavers/Cubs Taster sessions at Lake Farm Park Academy

Dear Parents/Carers
On Tuesday all the children were introduced to Karen Tempest, Scouts Development Officer for Hillingdon as part of a virtual assembly. Scouts will be holding two free taster activity sessions here at Lake Farm for the children to learn what joining a Beavers/Cub's (younger scouts group) would be like and what activities the children could participate in when in a group. These drop-in sessions are free of charge and children are encouraged to try some of the activities or watch the activities that will be in the hall (First aid, building,craft skills etc) and ask questions about what activities they can learn if they join a group. 
These two sessions are drop in (you can turn up anytime between 3.30-4.30pm) , children must have one parent/carer supervising them at all times and the sessions will be in the main school hall on the following times:-
Wednesday 24th November 3.30pm-5pm (For Year groups Reception, Year 1 and Year 2)
Wednesday 1st December 3.30pm-5pm (For Year groups 3,4,5 and 6)
We hope our families can come for an afternoon to enjoy learning life skills with the Scouts team.

