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Home work pack

Home work pack

Letter from Mrs. Miles sent to 4AM on the 1st May 2020

Letter from Ms. L'Olive to 4ML sent on the 1st of May 2020

Letter from Miss. Punia sent to 4NP on the 1st of May 2020

Letter from Mrs.Miles to 4AM sent on the 27th April 2020

Letter from Ms. L'Olive to 4ML sent on the 27th April 2020

Letter from Miss. Punia to 4NP sent on the 27th April 2020

Letter from Ms. L'Olive to 4ML pupils

Letter from Mrs. Miles to 4AM pupils

Letter from Miss. Punia to 4NP pupils

Dear Parents / Carers of Year 4 

As you are aware, Year 4 children have been taking part in a project organised and run by Dr Deborah Harvey from Royal Holloway, University of London.

As she has had to pause her project with the children on Lake Farm, she would be very appreciative if Year 4 and 5 parents could complete the survey on the link below.

It's been a fantastic opportunity for the children of Lake Farm so I hope as many of you as possible get a chance to complete the survey.

Miss McMenemy
Year 5 Team Leader

Home learning pack