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Lake Farm Park


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    Mon 29 Nov 2021

    Dear Parents / Carers

    Due to the new temporary and precautionary measure from 30th November 2021, parents coming into the school premises should wear a face mask/covering.

    We will keep you informed if the Nativity (for Reception to KS1 - 8th and 10th December), Nursery Christmas concert (9th December), school disco (14th December and 16th December) and the scouts taster session for KS2 (on the 1st December) will go ahead as planned.

    Thank you.

    Ms. Buttar


  • Year 1 Library Visit

    Mon 22 Nov 2021

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    This term Year 1 will be focusing on reading and books. This will include lessons and challenges to engage and inspire the children to read and enjoy books.


    To support this learning we are planning a visit to Botwell library. This is an opportunity for the librarians to talk about everything that happens there and for the children to have a look at the different books they can borrow. The Year One classes will be going on the following days:


    Wednesday 24th November   13:30-14:30      Mole

    Wednesday 1st December    13:30-14:30      Rabbit

    Friday  28th January              13:30-14:30      Squirrel


    Please make sure your child has a waterproof coat and wears comfortable shoes.


    Yours sincerely,

    The Year One Team

  • Scouts/ Beavers/Cubs Taster sessions at Lake Farm Park Academy

    Mon 22 Nov 2021
    Dear Parents/Carers
    On Tuesday all the children were introduced to Karen Tempest, Scouts Development Officer for Hillingdon as part of a virtual assembly. Scouts will be holding two free taster activity sessions here at Lake Farm for the children to learn what joining a Beavers/Cub's (younger scouts group) would be like and what activities the children could participate in when in a group. These drop-in sessions are free of charge and children are encouraged to try some of the activities or watch the activities that will be in the hall (First aid, building,craft skills etc) and ask questions about what activities they can learn if they join a group. 
    These two sessions are drop in (you can turn up anytime between 3.30-4.30pm) , children must have one parent/carer supervising them at all times and the sessions will be in the main school hall on the following times:-
    Wednesday 24th November 3.30pm-5pm (For Year groups Reception, Year 1 and Year 2)
    Wednesday 1st December 3.30pm-5pm (For Year groups 3,4,5 and 6)
    We hope our families can come for an afternoon to enjoy learning life skills with the Scouts team.
  • Anti-Bullying Week Monday 15th November 2021– Friday 19th November 2021

    Fri 12 Nov 2021

    Dear Parent/ Carer,


    Anti-Bullying Week Monday15th November – Friday 19th November 2021


    We are taking part in Anti-Bullying Week this term between Monday 15th and Friday 19th November.


    Anti-Bullying Week helps our school to shine a spotlight on bullying and get involved, take action against bullying and raise awareness in our school.


    This year the theme is 'One Kind Word'. Pupils in every year group will be engaging in activities to learn more about the meaning of bullying, the different types of bullying, the effect it has on others and what to do if they or someone they know is getting bullied. This is in line with this half term's PSHE unit of Celebrating Difference


    We will end the week with 'Odd Sock Day' on Friday 19th November.


    This is to celebrate we are all different. Children can bring in £1 for charity.  There is no pressure to wear the latest fashion or buy expensive costumes. All your child has to do to take part is wear odd socks, it could not be simpler! The rest of your child's school uniform should be worn as normal.


    Please see our school website for further details on this issue.


    Thank you for your ongoing support.


    Yours sincerely,


    Mrs Turna – PSHE Lead

  • Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in Our Curriculum at Lake Farm Park Academy

    Thu 11 Nov 2021

    Dear Parents/Carers

    We wanted to take the opportunity to introduce the Diversity Team who are supporting staff and pupils at Lake Farm Park Academy to embed diversity, inclusion and equality into all parts of the school curriculum.


    The team includes: Mrs Turner, Mr. McElwee, Ms. Peerwani, Mrs. Bambra, Miss. Punia, Miss.

    McMenemy, Ms. Gray, Ms. L’Olive, Ms. Patel, Ms. Kanith , Mrs. Adams, Miss. Issac-Simon & Mrs. Golley.


    LFPA recognises how important and necessary it is for every pupil and member of staff in our school community to feel safe, confident and respected.  The school is committed to ensure every pupil and member of staff is appreciated, recognised and a valued member of The LFPA Community. We will continue to create a culture of belonging and celebration, so everyone feels safe, confident and seen, regardless of their academic abilities, race, gender, culture, heritage or religion.


    We are also be reaching out to you as parents and carers where we hope to collaborate and discuss your thoughts about diversity, inclusion and equality at Lake Farm Park. If you have any recommendations for children’s books, please let us know.



    Kind regards,


    The Diversity Team


  • Times Tables Rockstars England Rocks competition

    Wed 10 Nov 2021

    Dear parents/carers,                                                                                        This week is the Times Tables Rockstars England Rocks competition. It started on the 8th November 2021 and finishes on Thursday 11th November 2021 at 7:30pm. It would be great if you could support your children with this at home.


    This is a fantastic opportunity for children to practise their times tables while competing against other schools and against other classes at Lake Farm Park Academy. There will be prizes too!


    Please do support your children with this.


    Yours sincerely

    Mr. McElwee - Maths lead

  • Culture Week

    Mon 01 Nov 2021

    Dear Parents / Carers,

    As stated in the last newsletter, this week Lake Farm Park Academy will be celebrating culture week. All children across the school will be participating in a range of different activities to explore different cultures. To mark the end of the week all the children are invited to come in on Friday 5th November 2021, dressed up in their national cultural clothes or wear the colours that are on their national flag. Please discuss with your child the country that their families originate from, the language, foods, dress, etc; and the countries that they have focused on that week in class. They will have the opportunity to share their knowledge with their class.

     Yours sincerely

     Ms Buttar


